Spellbound, a documentary, directed by Jeffrey Blitz follows eight contestants on their journey to become the spelling master. Each contestant has a close up on family life, study habits a feelings towards the spelling bee. It was interesting to see the different characteristics each contestant displayed.
Poor Neil. I feel as if Neil was not just competing for the benefit of himself. The drill like preparations he had to do, seemed strenuous and boring. Now, I know, Neil must like to spell a little bit, but it definitely didn't seem like it was his passion. His father, Rajesh, almost has a mad gleam in his eye when talking about the National Spelling Bee. As if it was going to be his success, if Neil won. Also when Neil was being interviewed, he didn't seem as energetic as expected. Than again it may have been his timid personality that got in the way.
Poor Neil. I feel as if Neil was not just competing for the benefit of himself. The drill like preparations he had to do, seemed strenuous and boring. Now, I know, Neil must like to spell a little bit, but it definitely didn't seem like it was his passion. His father, Rajesh, almost has a mad gleam in his eye when talking about the National Spelling Bee. As if it was going to be his success, if Neil won. Also when Neil was being interviewed, he didn't seem as energetic as expected. Than again it may have been his timid personality that got in the way.
Emily on the other hand seemed to love spelling. As if it where her passion. Her parents didn't push at her to study but just mildly encouraged her. She seemed optimistic on the whole subject. Always happy to discuss her study of words and her excitement for the National Spelling Bee. She even remarked on how she didn't mind if she lost, she would like to win, but she didn't mind if she was second or something. I felt as if Emily was less stressed about winning, compared to Neil who always seemed gloomy.
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