Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Life of Pi 150-200

Well, Pi is still lost at sea with the 450 pound tiger named Richard Parker (every time I hear that name it makes me laugh). For some reason the tiger avoids Pi. He seems to peer over and look at Pi every once in awhile. Pi starts to read the survival book that was on the life boat. It has strange things in it such as do not drink urine or bird blood and put your feet up for five minutes each hour. It also says that Turtles are easy to catch and are excellent meals. Pi sits in the boat for another good 2 days before going over to Richard Parker's area and stealing some water in a bottle. Richard Parker still does not make a move to attack Pi. Maybe Richard Parker can really talk. That would be weird. I really don't know if I would read the book if all the animals were able to talk. But hey, who knows maybe Richard Parker has a bond with Pi or something.

Good good. Okay so these couple of chapter were kind of a bore but they still were okay. I mean the books great it may not be my favorite but its still pretty awesome.

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