Tuesday, April 12, 2011

How I Live Now 1-40

This book is about a fifteen year old girl named daisy who lives in NYC. Now Daisy's dad has recently married again to some wacko woman who couldn't stand to look at Daisy. Well since the two females don't seem to get along, daisy's dad decided to send her to England. Yes, England...to live with her Aunt Penn and cousins. Daisy's not so found of the Idea when her dad first tells her because it makes her feel like she is being kicked out.

Well she reaches England and while in the airport she looks around for her Aunt Penn. Instead she runs into her cousin Edmond. Now I guess Edmond is not a average boy. First of all he waves to her while smoking a cigarette and he must be about 14 or 15. So daisy is shocked to see him smoking. She describes how he look sorta like a mutt, which I found funny. Once they head to the car she realizes that he is going to drive her home even though he is underage. Since Daisy doesn't want to sound weird or rude she doesn't ask him why he is driving.

When she arrives at the home which happens to be a farm...she meets the rest of her cousins. Well at least two of them. Piper is the youngest, she is 9 and Edmond happens to have a twin named Issac. Issac doesnt say much.

Well this book seems really awesome. It has a couple of awards and the and the cover was interesting looking. I know that your not suppose to judge a book by its cover and all but....I did, I think the book is fabulous.

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