"A good book should leave you...slightly exhausted at the end. You live several lives while reading it." -William Stryon
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Gardens and Villa
This is a pretty neat song. Not amazing but it a soothing quality to it. At first I thought that if was just going to be a song without words but 30-1:00 they started singing . Check it out.
Blue Valentine
Well, I've decided that I will still blog even though the blogging is over in ETY class. It's become such a habit. Recently I watched the movie "Blue Valentine" Its about a failing marriage between two young people. It's kind of depressing but I liked how everything flowed.
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Just Kids 50-110

Well, while working at the bookstore Patti meets Robert Mapplethrope, a young aspiring artist with very curly hair and slightly bowlegged legs. He comes into the store and ends up purchasing a medallion a necklace that Pattie really liked. When he buys it she states " Don't give that to any other girl but me." and immediately resents saying such a odd thing. Robert doesn't seem to mind though. Well they don't see each other for a while and she ends up going on a date with this old creepy poet man when she meets him again. The old creepy poet man asks Patti if she wants to go up to his room and she happens to see Robert in the knick of time. She pleads him to her her boyfriend and he accepts right away. I guess they just hit it off after that because he asks her if she needs a place to stay and they bunk at a friends house for awhile until they can find an apartment of their own. Roberts into LSD because he claims it helps him paint, I think its interesting that Robert uses Drugs but Patti barely does throughout the book (well at least not as hard core). So after awhile things with Robert start to get shady, he starts to question his sexuality and later ends up going to San Fransisco to have a self learning experience. When he returns he still seems to be a little off. He starts to put sexual references and drawling within his art, maybe to shock people or maybe just to experiment, I don't know. Later on after moving to another shady apartment, Robert becomes very sick and Patti ends up moving him out to find a doctor and to live in the Chelsea Hotel.
Black and Whites
Monday, May 16, 2011
Sounds Good.
So recently I watched the trailer for the movie The First Grader and it sounds like it would be a very inspirational movie. Check it out.

So I've been listening to Adele for a while, a friend of mine named Ayesha introduced me to her. She has such a powerful voice and at first you probably wouldn't assume she’s a young English woman. She grew up with her single mother who continually supported her. She later ended up in one of the top performing colleges in London and then her career just took off. What an amazing voice.
Just Kids 1-50

So, I have already finished this story. I read it while I was up in Wisconsin for the weekend. We stayed at a friend’s cabin in Green something....I don't know, it was near Madison. The house was really cool, it resembled the homes from the blog post we had to make earlier in the year. When you walked inside there was a big branch hanging from the ceiling with a bunch of ornamental objects dangling as well. They even had a music collection from around the world. It was pretty cool. While there we went to a food co-op store (It would be cool if we had one here) and the farmers market in Madison. Later on we went Morel hunting with the whole group, I guess we went pretty deep in the woods because Austin ended up with a tick and so did my sister. It's actually a funny story, because my sister was upstairs getting checked for ticks when we found on her arm. She started screaming "GET IT OFF!! GET IT OFF!!!," So I grabbed it of her and flushed it down the toilet, it wasn’t to deep so it was easy to remove. To end the weekend we ended up playing Apples to Apples (there wasn’t a Helen Keller Card ) and then I ended up sick so that’s why I was not at school today!
Okay so the story starts off with a brave a tom boyish kind of girl named Patti. When she was still young her family moved to New Jersey where she spent the rest of her childhood as a outsider. She end up becoming pregnant at the early age of 19 by a younger guy. She gave the baby away, while in labor her nurses were very cruel calling her Dracula’s wife and a bunch of other crap. She worked at a factory for a while and went to college for a bit, but both didn’t seem to work out for her. She decided to move to New York City and her family seemed to support her. When she got there she was pretty much homeless and she hung out with a man who was a Jimi Hendrix look alike but a couple of days later he vanished. Later on she got a job at a bookstore where she had to sneak in the back to sleep (She still was homeless). Then along came Robert...and that’s where we are going to end it.
Interesting book.
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
The Bell Jar 45-100

So the main character Esther is living in New York City right now because of the scholarship she won. While there she meets Doreen and Betty two girls who end up being her close friends, however Doreen is kind of a party animal and Betty is a preppy good girl if you want to give them stereotypes. I guess Esther is dating a boy named Buddy. Buddy and Esther's relationship is a little strange because of her odd beliefs that shes set up when it comes to a relationship. At one point she even admits that getting married is not her thing, but Buddy stays fascinated with her. So through out the book Esther starts to form this belief involving her be neurotic because of something Buddy says. After a couple of chapters she describes everything as dull, even food taste gray to her. She ends up fleeing New York City to go back home where she finds out she did not make that writing course she wanted to take. This bad news ends up messing her up even more, so her mom sets up a appointment for her with a special Doctor. He concludes that the only way Esther will get better is by shock treatments, but these treatments do little good and may have even worsened her issues. She starts to think about ways to die and she even tries to kill herself with her moms bathroom rope. It's very depressing in this book at the moment. I don't know if I can keep on reading.
This book is really sad and the character is so rational about the whole situation as if killing herself is the most logical option. Reading this book at the moment is a struggle.
Monday, May 9, 2011
The Head and the Heart
Another band. A friend of mine recommend this band so I thought I would give it a go. They kind of sound like Mumford and Sons, except at times they have stronger country feel if you know what I mean. Their sounds is kind of car music-ish but its calming at the same time. Not my favorite band in the world but their nice. Calming kind of like Norah Jones. They can be a little depressing at times....
The Bell Jar 1-45

Hm, so I decided to read this book even though I not sure if I;m going to like it, but hey everyone needs to challenge themselves every once in awhile. The book The Bell Jar is by Sylvia Plath ( A famous Poet? I think.) The summary on the back says it relates to Plath's Early life which is kind of interesting.
It starts off with a girl named Esther Greenwood. At the moment she happens to be living in New York on this scholarship thingy that allows her to go to fashion events and receive free cloths for a month (I know cool right?) Anywho, she has a dormish mate named Doreen. Doreen must be truly gorgeous because that's all Esther talks about for a couple of pages, she also seems to have a great sense of humor. So Esther is about to go out to a lunch-in (is that what you call it?) with Doreen. When their cab stops and young man incites them to drink a little at bar and they decide to go. While there Esther orders pure vodka because she believes that it may be her chosen drink and she ends up liking it. Doreen becomes all lovey dovey with the man who invited them out in the first place, his name is Lenny. Later Lenny ask if Doreen wants to go back to his place and she agrees if Esther can come to.
Okay well it seems like a Chick Flickish book right now. However the back cover implies that it is about a girl who has a mental break down (Esther) right now she seems perfectly fine but hey, who knows.
Poems and Poets
(This picture may seem irrelevant when it comes to this post but manatees are animals therefore they relate to the nature aspect in a way, plus manatees happen to be my favorite or at least one of my favorite animals.)
I've picked my theme, well at least I think its my theme. I've chosen human interaction with the natural world. It's a broad topic, I could of said just nature but I wanted to look up poems having to do with feelings when it comes to nature, relating to nature , animals relating to peoples, etc.....Anyway, I probably rambling so if you look down below you will find my poems and poets.
Into the Mud- Joyce Sidman
The Search for Lost Lives-James Tate
The Birds-Linda Pastan
Caged Bird-Maya Angelou
In the Tree House- James L. Dickey
Possible poems....
To crave what the light does crave-Kevin Goodan
The Kiss-Robert Graves
Elemental Conception-Heid E. Erdrich
I've picked my theme, well at least I think its my theme. I've chosen human interaction with the natural world. It's a broad topic, I could of said just nature but I wanted to look up poems having to do with feelings when it comes to nature, relating to nature , animals relating to peoples, etc.....Anyway, I probably rambling so if you look down below you will find my poems and poets.
Into the Mud- Joyce Sidman
The Search for Lost Lives-James Tate
The Birds-Linda Pastan
Caged Bird-Maya Angelou
In the Tree House- James L. Dickey
Possible poems....
To crave what the light does crave-Kevin Goodan
The Kiss-Robert Graves
Elemental Conception-Heid E. Erdrich
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Life of Pi 150-200
Good good. Okay so these couple of chapter were kind of a bore but they still were okay. I mean the books great it may not be my favorite but its still pretty awesome.
Natural Disasters
This week I decided to create another picture post and the theme happens to be natural disasters (I'm hoping you noticed the title). I have been terrified of tornadoes for a long time, I even had a dream once about being chased by a tornado. I was in Chicago (were I used to live) it must of been by the south side which is strange because I never ventured to the south side. Anyway, the tornado was chasing me down the street and I decided to run into a brick house, but when I entered the house the walls turned into glass and then I ran under a glass coffee table to protect myself. That was a horrible dream, but to get back on track or to the main point..whatever you want to call it; natural disasters can be fascinating in their own way. Maybe its because we have know control over a tornado, we can't stop a hurricane from causing destruction, we can't tell a earthquake to knock it off. We have little or no control over these mind blowing things. It makes you feel small.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011
"One family. One room. Four screens. Four realities, basically."
Monday, May 2, 2011
Fleet Foxes
Interesting band. There are five members in the band...in less I'm mistaken (Well there is five in the picture). I think they started off in Seattle, I read about it in a magazine somewhere. It reminds me of zoning music if you know what I mean. The kind of music you can just listen to without having to commit to it. They originally went by the name Pineapple which is funny but I like their new name over Pineapple. To many bands are named after inanimate objects such as green band aid or orange or lamp. I think it's pretty funny that all of the band members have really intense beards except one.
Strange video...
Life of Pi 100-150
In the next couple of chapters Pi remains on the boat. I guess the boat is bigger then I expected because the tiger is on another level of the boat or something. So we already know that the monkey and the zebra have been eliminated by the freaky Hyena. Now Pi and the hyena and the tiger are left. Well after a couple of more days go by Pi becomes thirsty and hungry. So he has to ventures in the boat to look for food. He finds a ton of survival supplies such as water bottles and some weird kind of dried foods. After eating he becomes content and takes a nap. Well later on the tiger gets up and walks towards the hyena and kills it. The tigers name happens to be Richard Parker. Haha that name is just so random. Imagine going to a zoo and walking up to the tiger exhibit and finding out that the tigers name was Richard Parker. Its just doesn't flow like Frank Robert or somethingWell anyway, the chapters were interesting Pi has such a weird personality but it's not like I'm one to talk. He just seems so blunt. lacking a personalty in a way. For instance when the Hyena was killed he was like Richard Parker just killed the Hyena. It didn't scream. I don't know, I'll keep reading.
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Life of Pi 45-100
Okay well Pi talks more about his everyday life in the next couple of chapters. We already know that Pi is a very religious boy and practices several religions and even though his parents are not so fond of the idea they go along with it. Well his dad decides that moving would be the best option for the family and Canada seemed like the best place. If you don't already know Pi is living in India...well for now at least. Anyway, the dad starts to pack up the zoo a year prior to their trip. Why you may ask? Well, a zoo requires a lot of care when it comes to maintenance so he needs to find a place in different zoos for certain animals and supplies that the animals will need on the long trip over. When they finally get on the boat everything is good. Until Pi ends ups on a life boat with a 450 pound tiger, a monkey, hyena, and a Zebra. The Hyena who ends up being a really aggressive creature and kills the Zebra in the first day of being lost at sea. A couple days later after killing the Zebra the Hyena decides to kill the monkey (I know sad). The Monkey puts up a good fight but ends up losing and then dying. Pi becomes more and more freaked out as the days go on because he suspects that he will be the Hyenas next meal. Who knows...but remember that the Bengal tiger is also aboard.
Interesting scenario. I like the book a lot, well at least I do for the moment. Pi has a very odd way of looking at the world. The way he describes things, as if everything makes sense. I don't know I cant quite explain it.
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
80's Dance Numbers
Pretty in Pink. Wow so this movie was on a couple of days ago, maybe Monday I can't remember. I haven't watched it in ages and when I was little I liked it but now that I'm older I have a new appreciation when it comes to the movie. Same with the Breakfast Club and etc. I also love all the characters clothing in the movie, mostly Duckie's cloths because they're so strange. He has to be my favourite character in the movie to. Now it's not a life changing amazing movie but it's still pretty good. There seems like a lot of coming of age movies were popular in the 80's such as Breakfast Club, Sixteen Candles and Pretty in Pink. I love the dance scene in the record store where Duckie is spazzing out. When I was little I would always crack up for five minutes or so. It's the best part in the movie
The one is the Breakfast club is also very entertaining.
Life of Pi 1-45
Yes, I know. I didn't finish talking about The Poisonwood Bible but I finished it so I thought it bore me and essentially you if I kept blabbing on about it like the the adults in Charlie Brown or something.
Life of Pi is about a young boy named Pi or Piscine. Now Piscine is not your average Joe his parents own a zoo and the family also lives in the grounds of the zoo. I know cool right?! Well he was made fun of as a child because his name Piscine sounds like Pissing. So the bullying was terrible but he eventually created a nick name, Pi , like 3.14 kind of Pi if you know what I mean. Anywho, he seems to be a very religious boy( I don't know whats up with me I seem to be reading religious books left and right). Hes so curious about religion so he tries to practice a couple of them at a time such as Christianity, Hinduism...etc. This of course worries his parents because he grew up a Hindu and now they seem to feel like he is abandoning their religion for other ones.
Well Pi seems like a interesting enough character. I seem to be saying and writing the word seem a lot today. weird its like when i was 10 and always had to start my sentence off with the word actually.
Alice in Happy High
I really enjoy Alice in Happy High's post. I've been following her blog since we started the blogging project. She has a really neat way of approaching the whole blogging process by reading books related to plays or movies and then watching them! You can definitely tell that Alice loves to blog and that just makes her blog even better. Rock on Alice...Just kidding that was a bit cheesy.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
The Posionwood Bible 45- 75
The first chapter starts off with Ruth May the youngest of the bunch. She discuses the other children's bellies for a good page or two. Since malnutrition the children's bellies have expanded well sort of. Ruth May has a very curious way of looking at things. Adah the twin that is supposedly smart but crippled her reading list in her chapter. She read books such as The Pilgrims Progress and Paradise lost. She loves reading and her mom took notice of that so she has a large variety of books to look at. Okay now Leah. Leah happens to be one of my favorite of all the characters. She admires her father although to me he seems to be kind of a jerk. He acts like he has good intentions but he's really cruel to the children's mother and the villagers. Adah later mentions more about her books...out of all the characters Adah seems to be the one watching it all unfold if you know what I mean. She may be boring at times but she has a lot of interesting views and you can find out a lot about the family in her chapters.
Good read. Like that the story is told through several perspectives. Right now I'm enjoying Leah's story most of all.
Good read. Like that the story is told through several perspectives. Right now I'm enjoying Leah's story most of all.
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
The Poisonwood Bible 1- 45
This book is amazing, truly amazing and I've only read a couple of chapters! It was on the 1001 books you should read list so I thought I should give it a go and I love it. At first I thought it was going to be to intense for me because I'm not very religious but its not like that at all. I highly recommend it. I don't even know if I can write about it without bringing it shame.
It opens with Orleanna Price the mother. She talks about how her husband is moving the family to the Congo for a mission thing (I forgot what you call it... mission trip?) Anyways she seems to be a little upset when it comes to the whole ordeal and her husband doesn't seem to respect her or at least get along with her. Her daughter, Leah opens up the next chapter. Leah discusses the difficulty of moving. It was funny when they mentioned how they had to wear four layers because the luggage can only weigh a certain amount. She seems to be excited to go to the Congo, kind of like a adventure in her mind. We are then introduced to the youngest daughter Ruth May, shes five. Ruth May is kind of odd but its funny hearing her point of view. She believes that shes kind of like Ham the son of Noah from Noah's Ark. Well I guess Ham was strolling along one day and he found Noah drunk and passed out on the floor. Ham just started laughing and because of that his children were cursed and became black. Now that's a bogus story in my eyes, its ridiculous but its being told by a little girl so maybe its usually preached differently..I wouldn't know. Rachel Pierce is later introduced, she is the oldest. She also seems to be a little vain when it comes to her appearance she is not happy when it comes to going to the Congo. The last daughter that we are introduced to is Adah. Adah is Leah's twin but at birth she didn't get enough nutrients so she has a disability and is a little slower. Shes really smart, well at least I think she is; she just can't get her point across.
It opens with Orleanna Price the mother. She talks about how her husband is moving the family to the Congo for a mission thing (I forgot what you call it... mission trip?) Anyways she seems to be a little upset when it comes to the whole ordeal and her husband doesn't seem to respect her or at least get along with her. Her daughter, Leah opens up the next chapter. Leah discusses the difficulty of moving. It was funny when they mentioned how they had to wear four layers because the luggage can only weigh a certain amount. She seems to be excited to go to the Congo, kind of like a adventure in her mind. We are then introduced to the youngest daughter Ruth May, shes five. Ruth May is kind of odd but its funny hearing her point of view. She believes that shes kind of like Ham the son of Noah from Noah's Ark. Well I guess Ham was strolling along one day and he found Noah drunk and passed out on the floor. Ham just started laughing and because of that his children were cursed and became black. Now that's a bogus story in my eyes, its ridiculous but its being told by a little girl so maybe its usually preached differently..I wouldn't know. Rachel Pierce is later introduced, she is the oldest. She also seems to be a little vain when it comes to her appearance she is not happy when it comes to going to the Congo. The last daughter that we are introduced to is Adah. Adah is Leah's twin but at birth she didn't get enough nutrients so she has a disability and is a little slower. Shes really smart, well at least I think she is; she just can't get her point across.
Optical Illusions
I was on Yahoo today and there was a article over optical illusions, it was pretty cool so I decided to look some other ones up. Yes, I know, kind of strange, but they are really cool to look at. Once my Aunt Cathy gave me a book filled with optical illusions and hidden Illisions, it was awesome, you can just stare at them forever..at least it seems that way. Anyway, here they are.
Can you find the Coyote?
Do you see the angry bunny?
Can you find the bear?
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Franny and Zooey 122-170
So Zooey has now left the bathroom and his little chat with his crazy mother is finally over! He enters the living room and discovers Franny sleeping on the couch, he wakes her. Once Franny is awake Zooey tells her about the script he was given and the job offer in France. Zooey seems to resent acting, I feel like he always feels like he has to put on a show. He mentions how Franny and him are messed up because of the one show or something they were on when they where little. Franny seems to feel the same way and relates with Zooey when it comes to acting. She also talks about treasure and how everything is treasure such as gold all the way to knowledge.You can tell that both of the characters are missing their older brother Seymour but they barely talk about anything having to do with him. Except once Franny mentions how much she misses him. A cat lays by Franny the whole time they are talking. She says he has clung to her since she came home. Franny seems to be Ill or mentally shook up while reading the book the author mentions how pale she looks to Zooey.
Well the funny thing about this book has to do with how the characters stay in the same spot for along period of time. A scene could take place for thirty pages and no I;m not kidding you. My last reading consisted of Zooey talking to Franny who was laying on the couch. Yep just talking about their messed up lives.
Well the funny thing about this book has to do with how the characters stay in the same spot for along period of time. A scene could take place for thirty pages and no I;m not kidding you. My last reading consisted of Zooey talking to Franny who was laying on the couch. Yep just talking about their messed up lives.
Okay, well, this is another music post. Sorry If you don't enjoy these kind of post but ...I don't know, oh well. Well I found this really cool band in a magazine called the Generationals they have been around for about three years. Its a duo from New Orleans and they kind of have a the Smiths/ New Pornographers/Vampire Weekend vibe going on. Their really cool check this stuff out.
Neat video
Monday, April 18, 2011
The cluttered hodgepodge of unique knick-knacks in the Brooklyn home reflect the owner's love of peculiar and artsy objects. In the house mirrors hang in a lopsided formation on the walls, books fill massive bookcases and Victorian styled furniture can be found everywhere. I liked this house the most; all though the farm house was pretty cool to. To me this house kind of resembles a museum. Would I want to live there? Well maybe...but then again I might end up feeling cluttered and caged in. It can be overwhelming but it definitely makes me feel curious. I would love to explore the house. Hey, did you notice that the head board of the bed is facing a different direction than the actual mattress of the bed? Here take a look...
Wye Oak
So somebody I know, cant recall at the moment introduced me to this band and they are kind of neat. There is only two people in the band Jen Wasner (Vocals and guitar) and Andy Stack (Drums and sometimes keyboard I think). The band is named after their states state tree the Wye Oak. Oh! and they are from drum roll please.....Maryland where all the merriest things in the world occur , okay just kidding that was kind of a weird statement. Anyways...enjoy!
Okay I found this photo kind of creepy/funny since the blankets a really wolf and all........
Intense title but a good song.
Franny and Zooey 80-122
So Zooey and his mother Bessie or Mrs.Glass are still chatting in the bathroom, I know weird right? Bessie brings up Lane, Franny's boyfriend. She tells Zoeey that she believes Lane is a fine young gentlemen and Franny seems to be fond enough of him. Zooey on the other hand only believes that Franny is attracted to Lane, not in love with the boy. Of course Bessie goes on blabbering about nonsense (she seems to do this a lot the time). Once he gets out of the bathtub or tells Bessie he is getting out of the bathtub she leaves...for awhile. Of course Bessie shows up again later on to complain and rant about the crazy lives they lead. The Glass family must be rich and their children Zooey, Franny, Buddy and I think Seymour were actors at one point in their lives. Franny and Zooey still act though...at least I think they do.
Okay, Bessie is a mad woman! Really I mean who goes into the bathroom while their grown up son is taking a bath, lights a cigarette and decides a family chat is really necessary at that exact moment? It's a interesting book, so far the plots a little dull in a sense. Overall its enjoyable though.
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Nick Drake
Well I really liked a car commercial song and it happened to be Nick Drakes! The weird thing is his songs have been out for 30 something years. He died at a young age I think he was in his twenties and he died in the 60's or maybe early 70's, I cant remember. He was English singer/song writer and some of his songs are truly beautiful. Once again I am going to post a bunch thing having to do with him Oh! and he wasn't recognized until he had already passed away...sad.
And here is a couple of songs....
Franny and Zooey 47-80
Well I am now on the "Zooey section".
Zooey happens to be in the bath tub reading over a letter, its a long letter from his brother Buddy. It discuses many topics such as their mothers well being and Zooeys well being. See, Zoeey must be a very interesting person because the way Buddy describes Zoeey is very odd. Buddy also talks about how Zoeey should pursue another college degree if he really wants to, maybe Greek or math ( he thinks that math would be better). Well after finishing the letter he kind of throws it off somewhere as if he doesn't care for it. While doing so there is a knock on the bathroom door and it happens to Bessie AKA Zooey's mom. She sits in the bathroom smoking and talking about Franny who happens to be Zoeeys sister.Even though coming into the bathroom to talk to her son may seem a little odd she is just doing it so she can vent. Franny has been acting peculiar lately and Bessie thinks it because the Little book that Franny Carry's around with her at all times. Zooeys thinks its because of their older brothers Buddy and Seymour.Zooey reminds Bessie that the book happens to be Seymour's book and it had just been sitting on the desk in his old room for years. I'm going to assume that Seymour is dead.Well this must be a very complicated family. Zooey seems to be angry in general and annoyed with his mom. Bessie is kind of annoying though and she seems to worry a lot...that doesn't make her bad person, its just she always vents to Zooey ...at least it seems like that.
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Mum Mum Mum
So a couple of months ago my friends Ayesha and Lucy introduced me to Mumford and Sons and I really really enjoy their songs. At the grammys they were able to play with Dylan! So here I put together a couple of things relating to this crazy good band. Enjoy.
Franny and Zooey 1-43
So I decided to read the book Franny and Zooey. Is it Zooey like Zoey? Or is it Zoo--EY? Well I guess I'll have to look that up.
The story starts off with a man named Lane. Now lane is standing at a train station, he's holding a letter that he reads with gusto...jk he's just reading it, they didn't describe how he reads it. Anyway back to the story, a train appears with a girl who happens to be named Franny. Franny and Lane are seriously dating but they go to different schools...I think. Well Franny seems to be in a odd mood and complains about it several times. Her favorite word must be darling because she also says it several times. "darling, darling...and so on" Well you can tell that Fran (that's what I have decided to call her) is not digging Lane as much as she used to and on top of that she seems to be sick. As she gets up she faints (I was kind of expecting that). So She ends up in the mangers office and Lane is there. Even after fainting you can tell something is not right with Franny.
Wow animals are truly amazing. The pictures that capture birds flying, fish swimming and so on are truly extraordinary. I found a couple of pictures with animals doing bizarre things. I have to say the polar bear may be my favorite of the several...
I wonder if this was taken in a zoo or something...It would be awesome but scary if this was shot in the wild.
Now this is crazy. Did the photographer just happen to meander over to his/her tree at the right moment? Oh and if you don't know why the frogs upper body is glowing he is on a Christmas light.
It's shocking how tiny a creature can be
Creative and funny.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
How I Live Now 1-40
This book is about a fifteen year old girl named daisy who lives in NYC. Now Daisy's dad has recently married again to some wacko woman who couldn't stand to look at Daisy. Well since the two females don't seem to get along, daisy's dad decided to send her to England. Yes, England...to live with her Aunt Penn and cousins. Daisy's not so found of the Idea when her dad first tells her because it makes her feel like she is being kicked out.
Well she reaches England and while in the airport she looks around for her Aunt Penn. Instead she runs into her cousin Edmond. Now I guess Edmond is not a average boy. First of all he waves to her while smoking a cigarette and he must be about 14 or 15. So daisy is shocked to see him smoking. She describes how he look sorta like a mutt, which I found funny. Once they head to the car she realizes that he is going to drive her home even though he is underage. Since Daisy doesn't want to sound weird or rude she doesn't ask him why he is driving.
When she arrives at the home which happens to be a farm...she meets the rest of her cousins. Well at least two of them. Piper is the youngest, she is 9 and Edmond happens to have a twin named Issac. Issac doesnt say much.
Well this book seems really awesome. It has a couple of awards and the and the cover was interesting looking. I know that your not suppose to judge a book by its cover and all but....I did, I think the book is fabulous.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
In Ten Years
I listened to the little audio segments about seniors in high school and what they think they are going to be ten years from now. Some of them where very unrealistic and didn't seem to take the interview seriously, for instance the boy, Salome, wanted to own a bakery; not just any bakery but a "Marijuana Bakery." It was funny but very unrealistic I hope he's considering the low chance of this dream occurring. I enjoyed Shauna's career choice pick. However I found it disappointing that she was only doing it for the limelight. She only wanted the fame. I hope that she reconsiders her career choice because fame doesn't always come with acting. Its luck and perseverance and of course passion for the Field. I liked Samantha's interview and the boy who wants to be a E.M.T. The kid who was undecided was also cool because not everyone is going to know what they want to be at 17.
Monday, March 28, 2011
Speak 1-30
This story is about a girl named Melinda. In the beginning of the tale she is re-entering her high school "Merry Weather High." She immediately states that she is a outcast. The reason? So far I have know clue.She runs into her ex-best friend Rachel Bruin. First thing out of Rachel's mouth happens to be "I hate you." so something is definitely going on that involves the two of them.
Later on she wanders through the day. Shes a emotional wreck and tends to bite at her lips so that they are extremalty chap and disgusting looking. Somthing must of brought self esteem to a all time low. Well at lunch she meets a new girl from Ohio but she still mostly keeps to herself. The one thing she is really good at is art. So she happens to enjoy that class.
Well its a nice book. Not a challenge but I think it one some awards. So far she has not opened up yet so I dont know what has happned to her. It sounds bad.
Neil Young
Yes this is another blog post dedicated to a musician. I know there needs to be more variety but I needed to talk about the one and only Neil Young. Yes, well, my parents have been very fond of him for some years now. I liked his songs but now I truly enjoy them. Here's a favorite of mine.
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Bob Dylan
In my U.S history class we have been listening to a lot of Bob Dylan. I think his music is awesome. It's more about the lyrics than the sound, he's really poetic.
Here's a couple things having to do with Dylan.
Here's a couple things having to do with Dylan.
Might as well put a video up. I like this video because it has a slide show kind of thing going on.
Bloodroot 1-29
The story begins with the POV of a women named Byrdie. She talks about another young women named Myra, Myra looks a lot like her mother. Who I am assuming is dead. To Byrdie, Myra is the daughter she was never able to have. She must of raised Myra, because Myra has been living with her long enough to have had baby toys in boxes.
This Chapter is narrated by a man named Doug. He is on a farm, probably his family farm. He's talking to a horse named rose. Something spooked the horse, Rose, because she ends up running out of the stall and leaping off into the hills
The narration goes back to Byrdie in this section. She reminisces about when she was a girl and lived in Chickweed Holler, some other mountain. I guess she had a ton of sisters and her papa had passed away so it was hard to support the family at the time.'
This is an okay book. I do not know if I will be finishing it off. It was a bestseller but is hasn't drawn me in. At least not yet.
This Chapter is narrated by a man named Doug. He is on a farm, probably his family farm. He's talking to a horse named rose. Something spooked the horse, Rose, because she ends up running out of the stall and leaping off into the hills
The narration goes back to Byrdie in this section. She reminisces about when she was a girl and lived in Chickweed Holler, some other mountain. I guess she had a ton of sisters and her papa had passed away so it was hard to support the family at the time.'
This is an okay book. I do not know if I will be finishing it off. It was a bestseller but is hasn't drawn me in. At least not yet.
Monday, March 21, 2011
Another Memory.
Country Boys
The story of Chris and Cody can viewed as sad or even inspirational. I love how they beat all odds and succeed in receiving their diplomas. Both tale is depressing in it's own way. Chris's living conditions must really be a pain, when watching Chris react with his father I also felt upset because he seemed kind of embarrassed of his dads state. For Cody the most depressing thing had to be the lack of his mother and father in his life. Also the fact that his father had shot himself was horrible. I feel like Cody uses his goth getup to make a statement. I cant believe that the documentary is 6 hours long!
Sepulchre pg 51-95
Okay. In this section we meet a new character, Meredith Martin, an American graduate student who is going to live in Paris, France for awhile. She is staying at a fine hotel called the L'Hotel Domanie De La Cade-Rennes-Les-Bains.Well she goes on about being settled in the hotel for several pages, so I'm not going to get into the detail....it would be a snore. Being into history Meridith brings up wonderful things having to do with France, such as Debussy.
When Meridith goes back to her room, she decides to call her "mom" or Mary (that's what she calls her). Now Mary was not always Meridith's mother, she it actually Meredith's second cousin. Meredith's mother was a little shady so Mary took Meredith in, but they have a normal mother daughter relationship.
In this chapter Meredith notices a shop across the street from the hotel she is stay at. It reads "Sortilege. Tarot Readings" for some reason this tiny little shop interest Meredith more then it is suppose to. Meridith is defiantly not a superstitious person so she doesn't really read into things.
Nice, well in the summary on the back it says thay Meridth is somehow connected to the past. I'm assuming its through the tarot card readings that she discovers this connection.
When Meridith goes back to her room, she decides to call her "mom" or Mary (that's what she calls her). Now Mary was not always Meridith's mother, she it actually Meredith's second cousin. Meredith's mother was a little shady so Mary took Meredith in, but they have a normal mother daughter relationship.
In this chapter Meredith notices a shop across the street from the hotel she is stay at. It reads "Sortilege. Tarot Readings" for some reason this tiny little shop interest Meredith more then it is suppose to. Meridith is defiantly not a superstitious person so she doesn't really read into things.
Nice, well in the summary on the back it says thay Meridth is somehow connected to the past. I'm assuming its through the tarot card readings that she discovers this connection.
Youtube Baby
So this adorable little creature has been a viral sensation lately. The baby is so cute, you can't help but laugh with it. I've never seen anything like this.
Haha and this one must have a fetish for paper because this looks like more than curiosity. It's adorable though too. Why did I make a blog about the YouTube Baby's. I have know clue, just go along with it...haha.
Okay last one. This one happens to be old, but its still just as funny as the first two. The baby frowns on command.
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Nowhere Boy
So I really want to see Nowhere boy, I know it has been out for awhile but I have not had the chance to watch it. I haven't even run across it. It seems like a good enough movie though. I went through this whole non-stop "Beatles" phase. Yeah it was pretty bad, all I did was listen to them. I still love the Beatles and John Lennon's individual work but I no longer OD on their music.
Here's a couple pictures of John Lennon through out the years...
To top that off here is the well known song "Hey Jude" and a little background story about the song.
Sepulchre 30-51
In this chapter we are introduced to a new character, Marguerite. Marguerite happens to be the mother of Anatole and Leonie. She is a single woman and tends to be a little risque for that time period. Well in this excerpt she is out to dinner with her "date", when a young gentleman comes around asking her if she has seen her son. Of course she replies by saying no, but the scene seems sketchy to her so she hurries up her dinner.
This chapter takes place when Leonie has finally gone home. She should go off to sleep, but shes worried about her brother for he has snuck out again to go off somewhere. Where? of course she doesn't know. So she sits by the window and waits for him, she ends up falling asleep.
Anatole has just left his girlfriends house and is planning to walk home, however someone happens to be following him. So of course Anatole starts to speed up while looking for something he can defend himself with. Well he is pretty much beaten up anyway. So he is lying on the ground when a old man comes back to assist him home.
In the next chapter Leonie wakes up to find out that Anatole has returned. However when she See's him in the kitchen his face is all banged up. He says its from the opera house extravaganza but she knows better and calls him out on it later on. He keeps to himself and is very vague about the whole ordeal. later on they get a letter requesting them to go to their widowed aunts house. Anatole could use the escape so Leonie agrees.
Nice couple of chapters. Anatole seems like he is getting himself in to a lot of trouble lately. Leonie also seems to have a strong relationship with her brother if she is always so worried about him. I wonder whats going to happen next.
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